All Day Vitality

Welcome to All Day Vitality, where our passion is your performance. We’re dedicated to keeping you hydrated, energized, and ready to conquer the court. Dive into our world and see how we blend science and vitality to serve up the ultimate hydration experience for pickleball players.

The Story Behind All Day Vitality

“Pickleball isn’t a real sport.” IYKYK. Coming from a prideful, tennis background, I avoided pickleball as long as any human could. Finally, a friend convinced me to come out. After that first open play, my love affair with tennis ended and my pickleball passion was ignited.

Like many tennis players, when I first picked up a paddle, I thought I could become a great player. I took a lesson, which happened to be in the blazing, South Florida heat and humidity.

As a proud tennis player, I chose to work on drives. The coach fed me ball after a ball. Ten minutes in, I couldn’t catch my breath. Shortly thereafter, I was dry heaving on the side of the court and had to lay down on the sidewalk nearby. The coach leaned over and asked, “What’d you have to eat and drink before you came out here?”

It was at that moment that I realized – Pickleball IS a real sport. And while I was lucky to have only lost my breath, others haven't been as lucky and have ended up in the hospital or injured. Why? Getting the right fuel and hydration is hard because many pickleball players are always on-the-go trying to squeeze in the game(s) between their jobs, spouses, and kids.

From that point forward, I’ve been on a mission to find the right macros, beverages, and electrolytes that fit my on-the-go lifestyle. One problem, I like eating healthy. And, I felt as though a lot of what was out there was junk and not optimally designed for the semi-serious, hobbiest Pickleballer. So, I started making energy bars and balls from home and tinkering with the various electrolyte drink mixes out there. My game was never better, I recovered faster, and felt great so that I could play – All Day. People began asking how they can buy what I made.

Because I have a full-time job, I asked my wife if she wanted to run the company and All Day Vitality was born.

Our Mission

Our mission is to empower athletes, especially pickleball enthusiasts, with superior hydration solutions that enhance performance and recovery. We're committed to creating products that are not only effective but also crafted with the health of our customers and the planet in mind.
Through relentless innovation, scientific research, and a deep understanding of our customers' needs, we strive to deliver hydration that supports a dynamic lifestyle. We believe every athlete deserves the best, and it's our mission to provide it—every game, every day.

Our Product

Each product in our range is the result of meticulous research and a passion for excellence in sports nutrition. Our team carefully selects natural, sustainably-sourced ingredients, from real Pacific Sea Salt to premium Coconut Water Powder, ensuring every sip offers the hydration and energy our athletes demand.
We're grounded in science, from the electrolyte balance to the absorption rates, so that every element is optimized for maximum performance. Our dedication to purity and efficacy is unwavering because we know that the right fuel can make all the difference in your game and your health.

Sustainability and Community

Sustainability is at the core of our operations. We're committed to minimizing our environmental impact, from eco-friendly packaging to sourcing ingredients responsibly.
Our community outreach extends this ethos, as we support local and national pickleball events, sponsor youth sports programs, and partner with organizations advocating for health and wellness.
We're invested in nurturing not just the body, but the environment and community that sustain it, ensuring our love for the game translates into positive action.

  • Founder - Jessica Gubenko

    Truth? Jessica has no business being in the business of pickleball, but that's exactly where she's found herself with a husband who's obsessed with the game.

  • Co-founding Advisor - Brett Gubenko

    ALL DAY Vitality was inspired by Brett's fateful pickleball journey. Now, he hydrates and fuels properly when he hits the courts. Brett injects that fuel into the business with his ideas and passion for the game.

  • Chief Brand Officer - Connor Derrickson

    Connor Derrickson is a pickleball strength and conditioning coach certified through the National Strength and Conditioning Association. Connor received his undergraduate degree from Salisbury University, before receiving his MBA in Sports Management from Webber International University. Originally from Chincoteague Island, Virginia, Connor now helps athletes achieve their performance goals.

  • Mascot

    The energetic ambassador of hydration, rallying players to stay quenched and in the game

Our Vision

To propel our brand to be the cornerstone of athletic nourishment, bridging the gap between wellness and performance. As we evolve, we look to introduce new, innovative products that continue to serve our mission of exceptional nutrition and sustainability. We're mapping out a future where "All Day Vitality" is an integral part of every athlete's regimen, and our community initiatives foster a culture of health and environmental responsibility.